Search Results - Medical+Devices

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Nanosilk Fibers for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
­Pressure-induced skin injuries are areas of damage to the skin or underlying tissue as a result of pressure or shear. Pressure-induced skin and soft tissue injuries are considered never events by CMS. There has been an unmet need for devices for the prevention of pressure ulcers. Recent developments in polymer-based nanofabrication shows promise...
Published: 12/1/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kenneth Liechty, Sudipta Seal, Swetha Barkam
Disease Areas Dermatology, Regenerative Medicine
Category(s): Medical Devices
Automated iPSC to Cardiac Muscle Differentiation
Cardiomyocytes Cardiomyopathies disrupt heart muscle function, causing irreversible, enduring issues. Current treatment mainly alleviates symptoms, often necessitating heart transplants. The specialized muscle cells of the heart, known as cardiomyocytes (CM), have limited capacity for replication and are in a terminal state of differentiation. This...
Published: 10/12/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Jacot, Christopher Tsao, Ennio Tasciotti
Disease Areas Dermatology, Regenerative Medicine
Category(s): Medical Devices
Surgical Aerosol Mitigation Tool
Aerosol Control in Adenotonsillectomy Surgery Adenotonsillectomy, a common surgical procedure performed on over 500,000 patients annually, faces a critical problem. Surgical aerosols produced by electrocautery used during surgery risk OR personnel to exposures of both toxic ultrafine particles and infectious vectors like SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately, existing...
Published: 9/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Brian Herrmann, Norman Friedman, Steven Lammers
Disease Areas Surgery
Category(s): Medical Devices
Device & Method for Monitoring Motor Responsiveness During Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Background on CU5474H Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is commonly used for the treatment of movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s Disease. As part of awake DBS implantation surgery, neural activity is recorded from brain structures to aid in targeting specific anatomic regions. Features of the recorded neural activity (i.e. firing rate, waveform)...
Published: 6/7/2023   |   Inventor(s): John Thompson, Anand Tekriwal
Disease Areas Neurology, Surgery
Category(s): Medical Devices
Crimper to prepare stent for transcatheter insertion
Problem: Coronary angioplasty and stent implantation is one of the more commonly performed cardiac procedures. In the US alone, there were almost 2 million coronary stents implanted in 2021. During these procedures, successful implantation is reliant on securely crimping the stent around the balloon catheter for the appropriate vessel size while minimizing...
Published: 6/7/2023   |   Inventor(s): Nicholas Jacobson, Gareth Morgan, Jenny Zablah, Robert Elliott
Disease Areas Surgery
Category(s): Medical Devices
Automated Tracking of Fiducial Marker Clusters in X-Ray Images
The American Cancer Society estimates that 55,440 people will be diagnosed with and 44,330 will die of pancreatic cancer in 2018. An emerging treatment for this particularly lethal type of cancer involves utilizing extremely large and localized doses of radiation (stereotactic radiotherapy) to shrink the tumor and make patients candidates for surgical...
Published: 5/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Bernard Jones, Warren Campbell, Moyed Miften
Disease Areas Oncology, Radiology
Category(s): Medical Devices
Intraocular Device for Correction of Aphakia and Restoration of Accommodation
­Background on CU3886H Over 2 million cataract surgeries are performed each year in the U.S. Currently, there are 3 million patients with glaucoma in the U.S. Everyone over the age of 50 will eventually lose their accommodative ability, requiring the use of reading glasses in most individuals. There is no singular device that addresses all three...
Published: 5/13/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Olson, Michael Erlanger
Disease Areas Ophthalmology
Category(s): Medical Devices
Hitch Injector for Ophthalmic Surgery
­Background on CU3336H For even incredibly skilled surgeons, suturing inside an eye is technically challenging due to space constraints. A skilled surgeon can take twenty times longer to suture inside the eye compared to conventional suturing. Millions of eye surgeries are done each year that require the securement of an intraocular object. The...
Published: 5/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Olson
Disease Areas Ophthalmology
Category(s): Medical Devices
Implanted glaucoma drainage device regulator
Background on CU3038H: About 3 million people in the United States are affected by glaucoma which may lead to blindness. That number is expected to increase to more than 4 million by 2030. To decrease the intraocular high pressure characterizing glaucoma, current treatments include topical medications, laser treatments or surgery. For the most advanced...
Published: 5/22/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Olson, Ramanath Bhandari
Disease Areas Ophthalmology
Category(s): Medical Devices
Sharpening CBCT Images by Diminishing Scatter
style-type: table;telerik-style-name: TableNormal;border-collapse: collapse; } Cone Beam Computed Tomography X-ray Scattering Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a compact 3D imaging technology that finds applications in various medical and industrial fields, such as orthopedics, dentistry, and interventional radiology. Despite its cost efficiency...
Published: 11/6/2023   |   Inventor(s): Cem Altunbas
Disease Areas Radiology
Category(s): Medical Devices
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