CU Record Linkage (CURL)


CU Record Linkage (CURL) is a patient record linkage framework which performs both clear-text and privacy-preserving record linkage operations including linkage job configuration and management, data standardization, data encryption and hashing, data linkage, data de-duplication, and linked data dissemination. CURL supports both a two-party and a centralized linkage configuration mechanism, and implements a modular software architecture to allow dynamic software update management. This system allows users to integrate health data records which have been fragmented across multiple sources in order to help researchers mine more complete datasets and improve decision-making for clinicians. Our researchers emphasize the transparency of the record linkage orchestration where all methods and decisions visible for regulatory and security review and oversight. The CURL system has been evaluated at over 15 sites and is currently HIPAA-certified.


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For Information, Contact:
Doreen Molk
University of Colorado
Lisa Schilling
Michael Kahn
Toan Ong
Disease Areas:
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