Search Results - jennifer+richer+mouchantat

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Anti-androgen therapy in triple-negative breast cancer
Methods of treating breast cancer with anti-androgen compounds. Reference patent 9,517,229 and application 15/373,914.
Published: 12/1/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jennifer Richer Mouchantat, Dawn Cochrane, Andy Protter
Disease Areas Oncology
Category(s): Therapeutics
Micro RNAs that target metabolic enzymes and nutrient transporters in breast cancer
Patients with triple-negative breast cancer often have increased risk for recurrence and metastasis as well as decreased 5-year survival. Since triple-negative breast cancers don’t depend on hormone receptors or HER for growth, triple-negative cancers do not respond to hormone or HER dependent therapies. Jennifer Richer and her research team have...
Published: 11/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jennifer Richer Mouchantat, Dawn Cochrane, Steven Anderson
Disease Areas Endocrine/Metabolism, Oncology
Category(s): Diagnostics
Targeting Treatment for ER-Positive Breast Cancers by predicting response to estrogen or androgen pathway inhibitors
Researchers led by Jennifer Richer have discovered that tumors that respond to a traditional endocrine (i.e. anti-estrogen or AI) therapy have a positive correlation between the androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor (ER) while tumors that respond less well to an endocrine therapy (as measured by shorter time to relapse or shorter disease-free...
Published: 11/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jennifer Richer Mouchantat
Disease Areas Oncology
Category(s): Diagnostics
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