Search Results - diagnostics

17 Results Sort By:
CBX2 identified as driver of anoikis escape and dissemination in high grade serous ovarian cancer
The majority of ovarian cancers are diagnosed at advanced stages, and there are furthermore few therapeutic options for ovarian cancer patients. Though in-vitro knockout studies, and in-vivo expression level studies a research group led by Dr Benjamin Bitler have identified CBX2 as a important driver in ovarian cancer progression. The researchers aim...
Published: 9/1/2022   |   Inventor(s): Benjamin Bitler, Lindsay Wheeler
Disease Areas  
Category(s): Diagnostics
Novel Multiplex Assays to Diagnose or Evaluate Diseases or Disorders in Mammals
A research group led by Dr. Liping Yu have developed multiplex assays which can be used for high throughput, simultaneous screening of T1D and its comorbidities using autoantibodies. These assays can measure up to ten autoantibodies using separate linkers for each labeled antigen and electrochemiluminescence detection. They require a small volume and...
Published: 11/29/2023   |   Inventor(s): Liping Yu, Marian Rewers, Aaron Michels
Disease Areas Immunology
Category(s): Diagnostics
Serum Immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) and G3 (IgG3) subclasses as biomarkers for multiple sclerosis
­Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the CNS with demyelination and neuronal damage and is the most common cause of neurological disability in young adults. In 2021, roughly 784,000 Americans were living with MS. A characteristic feature of MS is the increased intrathecal synthesis of IgG, and the presence of oligoclonal...
Published: 6/7/2023   |   Inventor(s): Xiaoli Yu, Michael Graner, Wenbo Zhou, Timothy Vollmer, Enrique Alvarez
Disease Areas  
Category(s): Diagnostics
Evaluation of ovarian follicle integrity and oocyte quality by measurement of follicular indicators of endoplasmic reticulum stress
The median number of eggs produced in a hormone cycle for IVF is 9 eggs. Approximately 50-66% of women with fewer than 10 eggs will not get pregnant. Therefore, by determining the number of eggs at he time of egg retrieval, there is opportunity for intervention or for the women to decide to save money and stop the process prematurely. It may also prevent...
Published: 8/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Joshua Johnson, Alex Polotsky, Emily Jungheim
Disease Areas  
Category(s): Diagnostics
Assay for Diagnosis of Type 1A Diabetes and Other Autoimmune Diseases
A research team led by Dr. George Eisenbarth and Dr. Liping Yu has developed a novel method for the diagnosis and prediction of Type 1A diabetes in prediabetic patients. By exchanging the radioactive insulin with biotinylated and sulfo-tagged proinsulin, they were able to detect insulin autoantibodies with a plate based non-radioactive assay. This new...
Published: 11/29/2023   |   Inventor(s): Liping Yu, George Eisenbarth (Deceased)
Disease Areas Immunology
Category(s): Diagnostics
Non-Invasive, MR-based Diagnosis and Response Monitoring of Malignant Disease
A research team led by Lia Gore and Deborah DeRyckere developed non-invasive, magnetic resonance-based techniques to determine the presence of leukemia or hyperplastic leukemia progenitor cells. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) are widely used clinical radiological modalities and are highly regarded standards...
Published: 8/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Lia Gore, Deborah DeRyckere, Natalie Serkova, Margaret Macy
Disease Areas Oncology, Radiology
Category(s): Diagnostics
Islet Glucose-6-Phosphatase as a Target for Autoimmune Diabetes
Dr. John Hutton has identified a new autoantigen that interacts with pathogenic T-cells which are important in the development and progression of Type I diabetes. The identified autoantigen has potential to be used therapeutically as an immunotolerogen. The therapeutic ultimately slows the severity or halts progression of disease by preventing T-cell...
Published: 11/29/2023   |   Inventor(s): Howard Davidson, Barbara Bergman, Richard O'Brien, Seija Hackl, John Hutton (Deceased)
Disease Areas Immunology
Category(s): Diagnostics
Six1 Monoclonal Antibody as a Diagnostic/Prognostic Reagent
The research group led by Dr. Heide Ford generated a monoclonal antibody to detect human SIX1, which is a transcription factor that contributes to cancer proliferation, survival, epithelial to mesenchymal transition, and lymphangiogenesis. The mouse IgG 2A antibody was created using recombinant SIX1 protein from amino acids 1-259. Importantly, the antibody...
Published: 5/9/2023   |   Inventor(s): Heide Ford
Disease Areas Oncology
Category(s): Diagnostics
Early Detection of Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs and Angiosarcomas in Humans
A research team has developed a novel method to detect hemangiosarcoma (HSA) in large breed dogs in its early stages by looking for cell markers specific to malignant endothelial cells. The test can be applied as a blood test to all commonly effected breeds at their annual checkup. This would allow for early diagnosis that can open the door for treatment...
Published: 5/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jaime Modiano, Stuart Helfand
Disease Areas Oncology
Category(s): Diagnostics
Isolation of Prostatic Epithelial Cells
A potential diagnostic tool for prostate cancer detection. The present invention provides a method for the isolation of epithelial cells from a solution and a method for detecting the presence of cancerous vascular endothelial cells using J591, a monoclonal antibody, and a magnetic activated cell sorter. The invention can be used for the diagnosis and...
Published: 11/29/2023   |   Inventor(s): Michael Glode, Neil Bander, Chang Suh
Disease Areas Oncology
Category(s): Diagnostics
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