Search Results - payam+nahid

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Biomarker for Human Treatment Responses Based on Mycobacterial Pre-Ribosomal RNA 16S/23S Ratio
Researchers have discovered that the ratio of precursor-rRNA (pre-rRNA) to total 23S rRNA (pre-rRNA/23S) can be used as an accurate, early biomarker for TB treatment response. Treatment failure and relapse are often caused by sub-populations of “persister” bacteria that survive early bactericidal killing. Persisters are targeted in the “sterilizing”...
Published: 11/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Nicholas Walter, Martin Voskuil, Gary Schoolnik, Gregory Dolganov, Lucian Davis, Payam Nahid, Anne Lenaerts, Greg Robertson
Disease Areas Infectious Disease
Category(s): Diagnostics
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