Search Results - infectious+disease

6 Results Sort By:
Host-Targeting Treatment and Prevention of Viral Respiratory Infections
Influenza A virus (IAV) is a major respiratory pathogen that causes significant morbidity and mortality in millions of people every year world-wide. Current therapeutics face many barriers including drug-resistant mutants, toxicity and annual vaccine updating. Dr. Kambez Benam has led an effort in developing a set of small molecules which can be used...
Published: 11/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kambez Benam
Disease Areas Infectious Disease
Category(s): Therapeutics
A Shingles Vaccine That Does Not Reactivate
Researchers from the University of Colorado have developed mutated viral strains that only replicate under defined conditions and can be used as shingles vaccines. The inventors found that ORF 63 or 70 protein expression is required for shingles virus replication. They developed a viral mutant in which ORF 63 is deleted and ORF 70 protein is typically...
Published: 11/29/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ravi Mahalingam, Donald Gilden (Deceased)
Disease Areas Infectious Disease, Neurology, Neurology
Category(s): Therapeutics
RNA Therapeutic Stabilizing Construct
­The recent introduction of mRNA vaccines has shown the tremendous clinical potential of RNA therapeutics. Unfortunately, most RNA therapeutics have struggled to make clinical progress because of their inherent instability. Many RNA therapies have failed to progress through clinical trials because they are rapidly broken down after administration....
Published: 8/29/2022   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Kieft, Erich Chapman, David Costantino, Jay Hesselberth, Andrea MacFadden, Benjamin Akiyama
Disease Areas Infectious Disease
Category(s): Therapeutics
Biomarker for Human Treatment Responses Based on Mycobacterial Pre-Ribosomal RNA 16S/23S Ratio
Researchers have discovered that the ratio of precursor-rRNA (pre-rRNA) to total 23S rRNA (pre-rRNA/23S) can be used as an accurate, early biomarker for TB treatment response. Treatment failure and relapse are often caused by sub-populations of “persister” bacteria that survive early bactericidal killing. Persisters are targeted in the “sterilizing”...
Published: 11/30/2023   |   Inventor(s): Nicholas Walter, Martin Voskuil, Gary Schoolnik, Gregory Dolganov, Lucian Davis, Payam Nahid, Anne Lenaerts, Greg Robertson
Disease Areas Infectious Disease
Category(s): Diagnostics
Novel Compounds Targeting RNA Polymerase Binding Transcription Factor DksA for Treatment of Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Infections
Scientists at the University of Colorado and National Jewish Health have identified novel compounds that specifically inhibit DksA activity in Gram-negative bacteria. Drugs against DksA have antibiotic activity against several Gram-negative pathogens. Moreover, the newly discovered drugs act against persistent populations of intracellular bacteria and...
Published: 5/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Michael Wempe, Andres Vazquez-Torres, Shaodong Dai
Disease Areas Infectious Disease
Category(s): Therapeutics
Neurokinin-1 Receptor Antagonists to Prevent the Spread of Varicella Zoster Virus (Shingles/Chickenpox)
A research group led by Dr. Maria Nagel has identified neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R) antagonists as a novel antiviral drug to prevent the spread of varicella zoster virus (the herpesvirus underlying chickenpox and shingles). Postherpetic neuralgia and myelitis are common complications of herpes zoster infection resulting from the reactivation of the...
Published: 10/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Maria Nagel, Andrew Bubak
Disease Areas Infectious Disease, Neurology
Category(s): Therapeutics
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